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There's nothing to winning, really. That is, if you happen to be blessed with a keen eye, an agile mind, and no scruples whatsoever.
- Alfred Hitchcock

  What's in a Name?
There is one aspect of the bungie.net chatroom that I still find irritating and infuriating. No, I'm not talking about disguised campers. I'm not refering to the fact that you can't see who is in which game before you pick one. I'm not even talking about the way bungie.net insists on replacing duplicate colors from such a hideous pallette. No, I am talking about the ugly, garrish, ridiculous, annoying and sometimes offensive names that people choose. Your name is your identity, your reputation, your first impression and your lasting legacy, put some thought into it. Don't just pick the first word your eyes happened to land on in the "Glossary of Fantasy Nouns" Here is a list of some of the types stupid or irritating names that people have chosen. If your name fits into one of the following categories, I'm sorry if I have insulted you, but the truth must be heard.

ASCII saturated - Alright, if you want to put a slash through an "o" or have a beta instead of a "b," go for it. But it is beyond irritating to have to read $Ýê\/Æ every single time I glance at a list of players. Not to mention the fact that some of these types of names are completely inpronouncable. Do you really want to be known as "The player formerly known as eliminated" or simply "Squiggles?"

The Character - Don't take this the wrong way, literary references are great choices for names. But if I see one more main character from an Eddings or Feist novel, I will scream! Main characters have exstensively documented histories, they have lots of baggage attached to them and they do not make good names. I know, you like the character, you obsess about the character, you wish you were that character...well get over it! Any character whose name appears on the cover blurb is off-limits. Therefore, it is cool to be Tom Bombadill, Amos Trask, Greldik or Wierzbowski, but it is lame to be Frodo, Milamber, Belgarath or Ripley. Yes, I know Case was a majopr character in a fantastic novel, but the nickname comes from a completely different source. And don't try to tell me that people have been calling you Darth Vader since childhood.

Phreaks - Okay, I'm really impressed that you have incredible hacking talent and of course I am sure that you have penetrated the CIA mainframe, but I don't need to see anymore of SuPeRgEEk, Mr. fonetikly or irrit8. It is so early 80's I keep thinking that I'm in a Hollywood techno-thriller.

Religious Figures - Sure, Vishnu is a cool sounding name, but to some people Vishnu is an object of religious worship, so please, be considerate and thoughtful of people's sincere beliefs.

I am a position - I'm sure that you are very devoted to increasing the public's awareness of the horrible dangers that email viruses pose to the global economy, but your name is not a billboard. Names like "'Ware the Good Times Virus," "God drives a Yugo" or "Eat at Joes" are a waste of bandwidth, so leave your banners and picket signs at the door (this includes OS preferences, you zealot!)

****'n ****head *****er - Luckily, profanity does not seem to be a problem on bungie.net... let's keep it that way.


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Brought to you by those webmaster guys. You know the ones. And the guys at Gamestats too. Make sure you ask before borrowing any images or HTML, lest we sic Case on you. And you don't want that, do you?

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